Monday, August 8, 2011

Andrew's Open House

We had open house at Andrew's school on Sunday. He will be staying in the infant room until later this year. They do not promote them until they are stable walkers. We love everything about this classroom, so we are happy that he will get a few more months in here. Here is our little buddy excited about open house. Bulletin Board as you walk in the school:

Here is Andrew's door. His name is on the blue zebra at the top.

Here is the bulletin board in his classroom. He is the blue zebra again.

This is one of his cubbies.

Artwork in his classroom:

His diaper cubby:

We LOVE his teachers. All three of them are wonderful to him. Between them, they have 11 children, so they are experts. Here is Mrs. Kellie. I taught her daughter in kindergarten (now a 5th grader), so we have been friends for a long time!

Here is Mrs. Jennifer. I also taught her (now 5th grade) son in kindergarten as well as 3rd grade. I have her daughter this year in my third grade class. We love her!

This is Dana. Andrew adores her, and she is always so patient and kind.

We look forward to another fantastic year at school. I love going to work each day and not having to worry about my little buddy!

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